Thursday, October 22, 2015

HMP Annotated Bibliography

Koile, Kevin. "High School Students Learn About The Journalism Industry." K2 Radio. K2 Radio, 5 Oct. 2015. Web. 06 Oct. 2015

More than 100 students from all around wyoming attended The State Press Association Journalism Convention. The students learned a wide array of topics from photography, interviewing techniques, and journalistic writing. This is important to them because they are in a such a small town that most of the time current events of what's going on don’t get around as well.

  While the students only went over some of the topics in one convention. At The TImes I am learning a wider array of topics and more in depth of each topic throughout the whole year. I can use these skills that I am learning not just for journalism, but for many other skills such as communication, writing, and people skills. I hope to use this article later to help compare my mentorship with what these students did at this convention.

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