Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Work Ethic

Work ethic is an important part of the workplace, so you can be apart of a healthy, friendly, and productive workplace. Great work Ethic starts with communication, you must be approachable, friendly, and have great communication skills to function properly in a workplace, you must always get along with your peers.

How I learned what I know about myself most, is that I remember how I would act in real life situations. When a problem arises I always try my best to keep a cool head and not let my emotions get in the way of the problem. Keeping calm and collective is the first thing you want do when a problem arise. Secondly you need to work well with others. Being in a workplace is like being on a team(I know that is cliche but it's a good example) you all have to co-operate well with each other in order to succeed

Sunday, August 23, 2015


In the business environment you always have to maintain a certain level of professionalism when it comes to communicating. Communication varies across all mediums and should be applied in and out of the workplace, each medium of communication should be approached differently when it comes to being professional. A lot of different aspects go in to consideration when trying to be professional. Each situation differs because there will usually be a lack of a certain aspect as shown in slide 4 of the communication slideshow.

You should always communicate to friends and family in a respectful and professional manner. When talking to an employer you must speak clearly and never interrupt. Always answer questions thoughtfully.

Being in the film industry you must showcase all forms of communication because each medium overlaps one another. When talking to my mentor I must be honest all the time and speak clearly with my mentor and co-workers in order to run a proper working film set.

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Article Reflection

The article is stating that we need to be hard working, punctual, and always ready for a task.

I believe I can use these qualities in the film or broadcast journalism industry to help me achieve my goals in the workplace and get along with other.

Monday, August 10, 2015

Monday assignment TED Talk

JD Russo says in his Ted Talk that humans are aware of social issues that affect our everyday lives, yet we do not take action on these issues. We are apathetic to many of these social issues because they do not directly affect us. I want to use my leadership skills to help everyone in their problems. I'll use this idea in the workplace because in the film industry especially detail is important, every little thing is important.

One issue I am passionate about is equal rights, ranging from racial equality to marriage equality. I can use my skill and career in film to document peoples lives and struggles to broadcast to the world.

Friday, August 7, 2015

HMP day 1 assignment

I envision to gain the knowledge about the film industry to help launch myself into a film or broadcast journalism career after college. I will take many actions to ensure I get the most from my experiences, like clear and proper communications skills, patience and learning to work well with others, using teamwork, and being respectful to my superiors and always do what they tell me to do.