Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Interview With Matt Phillips

I interviewed Mr. Matt Phillips, The AP Government and U.S. History teacher; He was formerly a speech writer.

#1: How Strong of an effect does the media have on a persons beliefs and ideals?

Phillips: I think the media is able to influence opinion change in small doses, but is not able to change the overall opinions of a viewer.  However, many small changes of public opinion added together could equal a large swing in public opinion.  

#2: Does the media do a good job at changing the viewers beliefs and ideals or does the media just help confirm a viewers ideals?

 Phillips: I think most people watch the news outlet they are most comfortable with and that is usually the outlet that confirms what they already believe.

#3: Are all media outlets bias?

Phillips: Yes. Think of the three roles of media.  Those roles require bias.

#4: Would you say that persons beliefs, views, or Ideals are past down
 through family or are they acquired from external sources, factors, and life events?

 Phillips: Both. I think your background has the most impact on your personal ideology.  Parents certainly are a large part of that.  But, some are likely to do the opposite of what their parents believe.  Others will do exactly what their parents do. Socioeconomics are the largest factor.  Being rich or being poor impact your world view the most.

Tuesday, February 16, 2016


So far for my capstone project I plan on interviewing local journalist within my mentorship to get their opinion and knowledge on the subject at hand. I will gather more information about the topic from teachers, general public, and local politicians. My interviews will be presented in a short video on my website.

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

1/5 Assignment

Hall county is a diverse region of beliefs and ideologies. My research is being driven by the curiosity to see if the mainstream or local media has any effect on a persons belief. The essential question still is "Does the mainstream media influence a persons beliefs and can someones beliefs be changed by the media?".

In my presentation I will create a documentary style film in order to inform the audience of what is going on in and around the community. The film would last roughly five minutes.

I will inquire statistics in Hall County about ideologies, beliefs, and many other variables to take in to account.